Wednesday, August 4, 2010

An Old Dog Can Learn New Tricks

So, I've been reading my new book The Reluctant Entertainer.  I'm feeling like I have gained some new confidence that I to can do this entertaining thing.  It's not hard, or at least it's not supposed to be.  I purchased a new steno pad to take important notes for myself from the book.  I've been going through my own stash of dinnerware etc., I've been making bi-weekly trips to the local thrift stores to see what I can pick up to add to my own (advice from the author).  So far I have found 2 packages of 4 cloth napkins, dark sage green $1 each, clear decorative bottle for flowers $1.50, round red placemats on clearance for .88 cents a piece.  I did notice that I am lacking on the amount of dinnerware I have.  Don't judge me but I only have a service for 4 in my all white cafe style dishes.  If I do have people over what are they supposed to eat on?  I'm hoping to add a few more dishes in the next couple weeks, I also noticed that our fork population has decreased.  ????.  I'm thinking they may be hiding in the boys' rooms.  Have a great week, maybe you'll be the victim, I mean lucky person who gets to be a part of my entertaining experience.  Cheers!!

1 comment:

  1. I have a set of pink plates that you can have...if you want pink??
