Monday, November 22, 2010

Christmas Mug Thrifting

I decided I wanted to be a little festive and get some Christmas coffee mugs. My absolute love is the mug in the upper left corner. It's a Corningware milk glass mug. It reminds me of Ralph's dad, these are the coffee mugs he always had (gold flower pattern). I went cruising my local Goodwill and found some cute mugs, all Christmas none of them match and that's totally okay with me. I picked up the red transferware teacup in September. The Mrs. Claus plate was $1 and I'm going to put fudge or other goodies for gift giving. You would be amazed at the Christmas stuff at the thrift stores. This Christmas doesn't have to be expensive or budget killing. This is my second year making cookies and candies to give away for gifts. I know my family always enjoys and is thankful when someone gives us treats at the holidays. Enjoy this week and the Thanksgiving holiday. Cheers!
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Friday, November 19, 2010


The list is probably so long it would end up being blog infinity.  On Tuesday I got to accompany my oldest son and his friends to a rock concert.  Not just any rock concert, it's called the Nothing & Everything tour.  It consisted of 4 modern day Christian metal/screamo bands.  One of them is called Head, the lead singer is Brian "Head" Welch who is the former lead guitarist from Korn.  His story is amazing, he had hit bottom, found Christ and left his old band.  His first book is entitled "Save Me From Myself", my oldest read it and really enjoyed it.  This is not the music I normally listen to but it truly wasn't that bad.  I wish they had put the lyrics up on a big screen for us parents who had no idea what was being said.  I did catch the words father, love, God, amazing, thank goodness it was a Christian concert.  I have some pictures of the boys with some of the band members, I will post them later because I don't know how to get them off of my phone to the computer yet.  Sometimes we need to do things for our kids that take us out of our parent comfort zone.  Maybe one day my boys will remember the night their mom took them to a heavy metal concert.  Cheers!