Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Super Summer Debt Payoff Begins Today

I am so excited about this I can't even put it in the right words.  Starting today we are using my paychecks to pay off bills and only live off of Ralph's income.  It takes several weeks of "preparation" and tightening to get the cushion to start.  Although it may seem radical to some but here are some of the specifics we do:  we only eat out every 2 weeks on my payday, the grocery budget has been decreased, our entertainment will primarily be doing things together that are at no cost or the Redbox dvd's and no debiting or atm visits.  Last year we did this but then stopped when Sept came, this year however we are going to keep going until the debt list is all paid off.  So every two weeks when we get to eat out it's a celebration dinner and I announce which bill got paid off we toast each other.  We found a water park within an hour of us which is owned by the city so admittance is only $4 for adults and $3 for kids and you can be there from 12-8 and bring your own food in.  How great is that?  If you are budgeting or paying off bills keep it up.  Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. I started the book today...
    I agree on the whole debit card thing, but it is like an additional appendage to my dear hubby. He thinks because the bank says there is money there really is...but there is NOT!
