Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's All About Relationships

Whether it's business, family, friends or people at the store I think our success depends on the relationships we've made and how we tend to them. Do you send a quick email or note to someone you haven't spoken to in a while? How about learning the name of the Starbucks girl and saying "good morning so and so". Personally I need to slow a bit down and nuture the relationships I have in my life. I have 2 friends I've been wanting to write a handwritten letter to. Does it really take that long to shoot an email to someone? Answer, no it doesn't.

I did start a recipe email list, I love cooking and when I find a good recipe I want to share it with people. So I asked on FB who wanted on my list and away I went. Whenever I come across a recipe that I've made and LOVE I'll pass it on to my "recipe friends". Just today I sent off Triple Berry Crisp. If you want on my email list let me know and you'll be the happy recipient of yummy recipes as they come along.

Friday, September 25, 2009


After a month of looking at my weight of 253, I finally broke it and am glad to say I am 251. Not much but I'll take it. It's easy to get lacks about excersing (which I have), and the boys being busy with sports is a great excuse.

I think I'm going to plan a Christmas wrapping paper swap with some girlfriends. My boss and I were talking about how we are sick of the paper we have and since it normally takes a couple of years to go through those rolls we are stuck with them. I said "we should have a swap", and the light went on. So probably in November I will invite some girls over to bring their used or new paper and swap it. To keep it fair you get to leave with the same number that you came with. Appetizers and wrapping paper, what fun huh? Also on my to-do list is still making my window pane into a coat rack, painting and destressing my fruit crate and make it into a coffee table for the living room, hang my small wooden Coca-Cola box in the boys bathroom above the toilet for storage (Ralph put shelves in it years ago for me) and scan the Goodwill for frames I can paint black for Halloween. So many things spinning in my mind, I think I need to write them down so I don't forget anything. HA!

Fall is coming have a spectacular weekend and enjoy the coming of the new season. Pumpkin bread here I come. Cheers.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Road Blocks and Christmas Tips

Speaking of financial road blocks earlier. Road block "mom I need a scientific calculator for geometry", road block "composition notebook for my block classes", road block "glue sticks", road block "my cleats are to small my toes are touching the end". Me speaking to them "Yer killing me Smalls". We got all items needed for school. I have kept Wes' cleats each year, we only get one season out of them. So it was such a blessing to go out to the garage and find a pair of Wes' that would fit Ryan.

As for Christmas, which I LOVE. This will be the second year we only buy gifts for the boys. Don't gasp, it's easier than you think. We used to buy gifts for everyone, family, friends, co-workers and bosses. Now I knit presents presents with yarn I already have. I baked cookies, breads etc. for my friends and co-workers who are local. This year I think I am going to make ornaments from Christmas cards that I kept from years past. If you know of any good ones, let me know. We also give "services", mowing the yard for grandpa, babysitting for a friend. There are endless possibilities and are usually much appreciated. If you are trying to save money or the thought of the holidays makes your cringe try some homemade things. Cheers!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hills and Valleys

I feel like we are in the valley part of our debt payoff looking up at the hill before us. We are in the home stretch and I feel like road blocks are coming up right and left trying to get us off track. The concept is simple but sticking to a budget can be hard sometimes. I know it will be worth at the end of the year when it's all paid off. I got a tooth filling this morning and I swear the dentist rocked my tooth around, ouch. It feels like someone punched me in the jaw. If anyone is struggling today keep strong. There is light at the end of the tunnel and his name is Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Lean on him for he is our rock and our fortress. Cheers.

Friday, September 11, 2009

August 2008

August 2009

Look what a difference a year makes, taken a year apart. Wes is almost as tall as Ralph and they are both looking so much older now and not so "little boy".

Breathe In the Fall Air

I have to say I do love the fall season. The temperature is calming down in my neck of the woods it's been a beautiful 80 degrees, I think we've said goodbye to 100 for the year. I love the mornings and evenings, so calming. It's Friday and I'm enjoying my grande, 2 pump white mocha from Starbucks. Friday is the day I treat myself to special coffee, it's part of the budget. Otherwise left to my own devices I would get one everyday almost. Yummm. My goals for this weekend are...hanging my old framed window on my living room wall and attaching hooks to it to make a coat rack of sorts. It doesn't seem like all that much to do but it's sandwiched in between two baseball games tomorrow, one more on Sunday, church and scrapbooking. Enjoy the turning of the season this weekend, breathe in the fresh air and be still. Cheers.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


What a great weekend! Went to the Southridge/Kamiakan football game, we won. Of course Wes and Ryan like to hang out with there friends, Ralph and I go to get out of the house and it's pretty cheap entertainment. We are on a budget ya know. The weather was great, a bit of rain Saturday night which we loved. Opened up all of the windows in the house and listened to it and took in the great smell you get from it. Movie date with Ralph on Sunday, we saw Final Destination. It was good but I close my eyes on the yucky parts, I'm such a chicken. I tried P90x with Ralph last night and did the arms, shoulders, back with him. My upper body is tired and I know the pain will be here by Thursday. One thing I am very excited about is a trip to California the summer of 2011. I know it seems far away but not for us. We are hoping to have bought a house around next summer. Then when we go to visit the following summer we will have Sarah Lane take Wes' senior pictures while we are there. I thought it was a grand idea, visit family and friends and have totally neat pics for him. I haven't been to California since we moved away 6 years ago. Look out Napa, I'm coming to town. Cheers.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Off To a Great Start

First day of school for Ryan was Monday, a big 7th grader now. He cracks me up, he's a grand story teller and loves giving all the details. Wes started Tuesday and isn't crazy about honors chemistry already, but loves his sports medicine class. He even made friends with a Russian exchange student (who happens to be a girl). I told him it's tough being smart, what a horrible thing. HA. The boys have been awesome about our budgeting and paying off bills. They are using the same backpacks from last year. I mean really they are in great condition still. New shoes, a few new shirts and some shorts. Cheers today to all of the moms who are home or in the workplace.